Reserching about special “SASHIKO” DENIM
MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます。今回は、オランダのデニムブランド「SASHIKO DENIM®」にインタビューした、”刺し子”を駆使したリメイクデニムのストーリー。
Sashiko-small piercings in English-is a traditional hand stitching technique dating back to the Edo period in Japan from 1603-1868. It was mostly used by farming and fishing families as a means of mending, patching and reinforcing garments. During the Edo period, fabric was a precious commodity requiring time and labor intensive handwork to produce.
Natural fibers like cotton, silk and hemp were hand spun, woven and dyed. Silk and cotton were expensive and therefore reserved for the upper classes of society. Most farmers and fishermen wore hemp which was loosely woven and prone to tearing. The women of these working class families relied on their mending skills to preserve the soul and integrity of these fabrics. Historically, in Japan the common man was forbidden from wearing bright colors and therefore, the more affordable organic indigo dyes were most often used for workwear. Consequently, sashiko repair took on the typical colors of blue and white.

By the Meji era, 1868-1912, sashiko was a well established folk art and craft. It was also used in personal protective equipment such as the fireman’s coat, hikeshibaten, to reinforce the thick layers with which the coat was constructed and to increase the absorbency of water while the coat was soaked before being worn into service. Sashiko was also used to provide strength, durability and padding to the gi worn in the martial art Aikido.

More than just an embroidery technique, sashiko is also about the process of appreciating the soul of the fabric being worked on. It’s interesting to note that Shintoism still pervades many aspects of Japanese life. Shintoism embraces purity, sincerity, and harmony with nature along with the recognition of kami which are spirits that inhabit the natural world. Considering these beliefs, one can begin to understand that textiles and garments worn and repaired by ancestors then handed down through generations were considered spiritual heirlooms.
In recent decades sashiko has grown in popularity amongst denim connoisseurs, known affectionately as denim heads, and has influenced artists near and far. Sashiko didn’t go unnoticed by Dutch architect and retail space designer Pey van der Wel, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, who startedsashikodenim® in 2015.
ここ十年ほどの間で、刺し子は“デニムヘッズ”とよばれるデニム愛好家の間で人気を博し、世界各国のアーティストに影響を与えました。そのひとりが、オランダ・アムステルダムを拠点とする建築家・リテールデザイナーのペイ・ヴァン・デル・ウェルです。彼は刺し子に魅了され、2015年に「SASHIKODENIM ® 」(INSTAGRAMsashikodenim)というブランドを立ち上げました。

During a recent FaceTime chat, Pey explained how he became interested in sashiko and his philosophy behind SASHIKODENIM. “My jeans broke after just a few months so I started researching the essence of cloth reinforcement. That’s what took me all the way back to sashiko. After gathering some embroidery materials I just started and taught myself. After I repaired my own jeans, my friend’s jeans and some friends of friends’ jeans I started putting my work online-Instagram mostly. It was a way for me to create a gallery of my work.
彼の仕事に興味をもった私は、Facetimeでコンタクトをとり、彼が刺し子にひかれた経緯、そしてSASHIKO DENIMのフィロソフィーについてインタビューを試みました。

As people went on wearing my repairs that caught some jeans brands’ eyes. In the past years almost all European jeans brands have tried to collaborate with me. I was flattered by the attention but always refrained from any brand collaborations. I want to stay independent. This gives me the freedom to make and show what I feel like. I strongly believe that when a client buys a pair of jeans from a brand it should no longer be referred to as the brand’s jeans, it’s a piece of you. You start wearing it in, living in it, fading it and repairing it,” When asked about work/life balance Pey went on to explain,
“I’ve been working in retail design for the past 14 years. The retail industry is very high paced. Seven years ago I started SASHIKODENIM® and found it to be a nice counterweight to the rapid pace of the retail world. The stitching is slow, it’s about focus and dedication. The work I do in design always has to be on trend and those fade quicker than denim.”
「私はSASHIKODENIM® と並行して、長年リテールデザインにも携わっています。 小売業界は非常にハイペースです。SASHIKODENIM®は、その目まぐるしさに対抗するいい手段だということに気づきました。縫製はゆっくりで、集中力とひたむきさが必要なのです。 デザインの仕事は常にトレンドでなければならず、それらはデニムよりも早く色あせてしまうのです」

Regarding the denim repairs, “The jeans I work on are always on display in my living room as this work is very intuitive for me. I want to look at it often and keep it close. I work on people’s absolute favorite piece of clothing and I spend dozens of hours hand stitching these. It’s very personal. A small repair can take 20 minutes while full custom jeans take up to 50 hours. My philosophy for SASHIKODENIM® is, repair don’t replace, quality not quantity, added value and sustainability as well as creating wearable art.”

Perhaps, not surprisingly, Pey’s philosophy dovetails nicely with the Japanese concept of Mottanai-the belief that nothing should be wasted. As in many arts there is no right way when it comes to sashiko. It’s a process. Although it requires a keen eye, a steady hand and an immense amount of skill, the art form like life itself is beautiful not because it’s perfect but because it is imperfect. This is the soul of sashiko.

To see more of Pey’s work, be sure to check out his Instagram account @sashikodenim For inquiries and orders, contact Pey by email at sashikodenim@bypey.com Thank you to the Tokyo Fire Department and Patrick Grainer To see the history of the Tokyo Fire Department visit @firemuseum
関連記事一覧: Mr.David Diary