良心的なシャツブランド「オリアン」のこと【Mr.David Diary vol.12】


MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David’s Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます。今回は、イタリアのシャツメーカー「ORIAN」(オリアン)について語ります。

Orian, A Shirt Company with a Conscience

As ten million metric tons of plastics are dumped into our oceans every year, breaking down and releasing toxic chemicals that enter the food chain and ultimately end up on our dinner tables, it’s comforting to know that companies with a conscience are working to make a difference. Orian, an Italian family owned shirt manufacturer, is one such company. Since its inception in 1992, Orian has continuously evolved to bring its customers classically styled shirts in innovative fabrics.


The roots of Orian go back to the family patriarch, Signore Gaetano Orian. As a young man, Gaetano, who spoke four languages and studied business administration at university, was hired by a textile company in the mid 1960s when pret-a-porter was still in its infancy.


Working at the textile company gave Gaetano the opportunity to meet and work with up and coming designers like Gianni Versace, who were interested in using unusual embroidered and jacquard fabrics for shirting as opposed to the more traditional poplins and twills.


Recognizing an opportunity, Gaetano quit his job at the fabric company and in 1971, at the age of 24, started the Guy Rover shirt company with his business partner Ambrogio Dalla Rovere, Guy Rover being the combination and anglicisation of Gaetano (Guy) and Rovere (Rover). The Guy Rover brand found enormous success in a niche market between the mode and classic styles. By using denim, tartan flannels and bold butcher stripes instead of the more classic plain and pinstripes normally used in tailored shirts, Guy Rover was able to expand overseas to the U.S. and England where Diana Spencer, the future Princess of Wales, was often seen wearing Guy Rover shirts.


Signore Orian sold Guy Rover in 1990 with the idea of starting a family business with his three sons. In 1992 the Orian shirt company was born. With its factory in Veneto, Italy the company found initial success designing and manufacturing shirts for many luxury brands throughout the 90s, as well as offering their own Orian Classic line.


Patterns and textures from the Vintage line. Each shirt goes through a special washing to soften the fabric.

Believing that infusing elegance with fantasy is the key to making sportswear shirts, Orian expanded the lines it offered to include Orian Vintage. The Vintage line embraces a sporty image made with fabrics that are specially washed and treated to create an incredibly soft hand.

オリアンは、ファンタジーとエレガンスの要素をミックスさせた既製シャツをポリシーとしながら、展開ラインを増やしていきました。「Orian Vintage」ラインは、特別なウォッシュをかけ、非常に柔らかい肌触りにする為に加工された生地を使った、スポーティなイメージのラインになります。

 Part of the popular Denim line.

Part of the popular Denim line.

Selvedge trim inspired by America denim, plus bird-foot stitching on the buttons.

Selvedge trim inspired by America denim, plus bird-foot stitching on the buttons.

Riveted gussets on a  Denim line shirt.

Riveted gussets on a Denim line shirt.

Infusing elegance with fantasy is the key to making sportswear shirts.  Embroidered denim shirt from the Denim line

Infusing elegance with fantasy is the key to making sportswear shirts. Embroidered denim shirt from the Denim line

Printed jersey fabric from the Fluid Evolution line.

Printed jersey fabric from the Fluid Evolution line.

Jersey fabric allows for natural stretch for comfort and performance.

Jersey fabric allows for natural stretch for comfort and performance.

Jersey fabric allows for natural stretch for comfort and performance.

Jersey fabric allows for natural stretch for comfort and performance.

Denim look dress shirts from the Active line.

Denim look dress shirts from the Active line.

 Signore Federico Orian

Signore Federico Orian




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