夏に「ソラーロ」生地を楽しむ醍醐味とは?〜SOLARO, THE COLONIAL SUNSCREEN〜【Mr.David Diary vol.4】


Mr.Davidが英語で綴る新連載「Mr.David’s Diary」、ファッション遍歴を経ていよいよスタイル編スタート!

MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David’s Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます!



One of the great joys of ordering bespoke tailoring is discovering and selecting fabrics. Last summer, when my friends at Sarto invited me to a beachside party in Hayama, I commissioned a suit in Smith Woollens’ iconic Solaro fabric to wear to the sartorial event of the season. With its rich history and unconventional look, Solaro has become one of my favorite fabrics for bespoke tailoring.


Just to be clear, Solaro is a trademark of M Howgate Ltd. Of Bradford,produced by Smith Woollens, now a part of Harrisons of Edinburgh. Thesedays Solaro is incorrectly used to describe any fabric woven with a 2 by 1 twill with complementary colors in the warp and weft. Make no mistake, there is only one true Solaro.

ソラーロは、イギリスのブラッドフォードにあるM Howgate社の登録商標で、今はハリソンズ・オブ・エジンバラ社傘下のスミス・ウーレンズにより作られています。最近では、コンテンポラリーな色で、経糸と横糸が2対1の綾織の生地が何でも「ソラーロ」と呼ばれていますが、それは誤りで、本物のソラーロは、同社によるもののみです。

Like many aspects of menswear, Solaro fabric has its roots in the military. Around the turn of the 20th century, while the British were busy colonizing the tropics, an Italian-English physician by the name of Dr. Louis Westenra Sambon, working at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, had developed a fabric that would protect the British soldier’s fair skin from the harsh tropical sun. Based on previous German studies and his own research, Dr. Sambon concluded that the darker pigment of the colonized populations provided natural protection from the dangerous UV rays of the sun.


At the same time, it was well known that lighter colored fabrics reflect light and therefore retain less heat than darker fabrics. The solution was to develop a fabric that was of a darker color on the inside to mimic the darker skin tones of the native population and lighter on the outside to reflect the harmful rays of the tropical sun. As white was obviously impractical for soldiering, it was decided to use khaki on the outside and a brick red on the inside. The brick red may have been chosen as many of the natives in the colonies wore red garments and it was believed that this color repelled the UV rays of the sun. With a khaki warp and a reddish weft, in cool-wearing wool, Dr. Sambon invented Solaro in 1907.



Despite the best intents and purpose, Solaro fabric failed at keeping soldiers cool in the tropical heat. Over the decades the fabric faded into near obscurity but somehow survived, revered by sartorially inclined gentlemen, mostly in England and Italy. Gianni Agnelli, rakehell extraordinaire and uncrowned King of Italy, was often photographed in a bespoke Solaro suit, and it is a perennial favorite of well-dressed gentlemen attending Pitti Imagine Uomo each summer.



Smith Woolens Solaro, woven with an olive colored warp and a brick red weft in a herringbone pattern, creating a unique iridescence that changes in various light. スミス・ウーレンのソラーロ生地。外側はカーキ色、内側はレンガ色で、ヘリンボーン柄に織られている。

Smith Woolens Solaro, woven with an olive colored warp and a brick red weft in a herringbone pattern, creating a unique iridescence that changes in various light. スミス・ウーレンのソラーロ生地。外側はカーキ色、内側はレンガ色で、ヘリンボーン柄に織られている。



Solaro suit example, from  Instagram @pitti_snap_by_beams

Solaro suit example, from Instagram @pitti_snap_by_beams

Solaro suit example, from  Instagram @pitti_snap_by_beams

Solaro suit example, from Instagram @pitti_snap_by_beams

on the 1st day style of Pitti in last june. Sarto Ginza Solaro suits, Stefano Bigi tie,and Bryceland's  denim shirt. 今年の夏のピッティ初日も、デビッドはサルトでオーダーしたソラーロスーツを着用。ブライスランズのデニムシャツに、ステファノ ビジのタイを合わせて。

on the 1st day style of Pitti in last june. Sarto Ginza Solaro suits, Stefano Bigi tie,and Bryceland's denim shirt. 今年の夏のピッティ初日も、デビッドはサルトでオーダーしたソラーロスーツを着用。ブライスランズのデニムシャツに、ステファノ ビジのタイを合わせて。

A personal touch. Vintage tie bar with the letter L, in loving memory of our yellow Labrador, sweet Lolo . ブル狩りのネクタイに、ヴィンテージのタイバーを合わせて。もう亡くなってしまったが、大好きだった愛犬のラブラドール、「Loro」(ロロ)の頭文字「L」が入っているのが自分ならではのお洒落。

A personal touch. Vintage tie bar with the letter L, in loving memory of our yellow Labrador, sweet Lolo . ブル狩りのネクタイに、ヴィンテージのタイバーを合わせて。もう亡くなってしまったが、大好きだった愛犬のラブラドール、「Loro」(ロロ)の頭文字「L」が入っているのが自分ならではのお洒落。

I designed this suit, made by Sarto, with Gurkha waistband and militarily pockets to reflect the English colonial period during which Solaro fabric was created. サルトで作ったこちらのスーツ、私的なこだわりは、スーツのパンツをグルカパンツ風のウエストバンドにして、ソラーロの生地が出来た時代のように、ジャケットにミリタリー風ポケットをつけたこと。

I designed this suit, made by Sarto, with Gurkha waistband and militarily pockets to reflect the English colonial period during which Solaro fabric was created. サルトで作ったこちらのスーツ、私的なこだわりは、スーツのパンツをグルカパンツ風のウエストバンドにして、ソラーロの生地が出来た時代のように、ジャケットにミリタリー風ポケットをつけたこと。




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