ニューヨーク在住ながら、日本語&MEN’S EXが大好きなアメリカ人、クリストファー・ベリーが英語&日本語で綴る新連載「ベリーのNY通信」! 2回目は、ジョン・レノンにまつわる、ニューヨークの物語。
John Lennon’s New York: An Updated and Brief Guide 〜ジョン・レノンのニューヨーク:最新の短編ガイド〜
New York City is a city of stars. A thousand points of light. One light that shone as bright as the sun was John Lennon. One of the great popular music artists of all time.
Every generation of the last fifty years has identified with John Lennon. His message of peace and compassion transcended his pop idol status, making him as relevant as ever to people of all walks of life. In 2018, I wanted to show how one can begin to appreciate his legacy and to celebrate his life.