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In 1980 The Official Preppy Handbook was published and preppy went mainstream. Although the book was written tongue-in-cheek, it only reinforced my affinity for the preppy style and when I went off to university the following year I would continue to wear the preppy style.

1980年に出版された『The Official Preppy Handbook』という本によって、プレッピーは広く知られるようになりました。この本は皮肉っぽさも含んでいましたが、私にとってはひとえにプレッピースタイルへの親しみをより深めてくれるものでした。そして、翌年に大学へ進学したときもプレッピースタイルで通していました。


When I arrived at my dormitory room on the first day at the University of Wisconsin I got another lesson on the importance of keeping it simple. The dorm was a beautiful, century old ivy-covered building on the shore of Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin; the room, which I would share with my roommate, was a ten square meter space with bunk beds, two desks and one very small closet. The bathroom was down the hall. The closet was only one meter wide and a meter and a half deep with two rods, one set behind the other. As I was a freshman and my roommate was a junior, I had to take the rod behind his. If limited space doesn’t force one to keep it simple, nothing else will. This experience served me well years later when I arrived in Japan for the first time and lived with limited storage space again.

私がウィスコンシン大学に入学した初日、学生寮に入ったときが、”Keep It Simple, Sir”のための次なるレッスンとなりました。その寮はマディソン市メンドータ湖の岸辺にあり、樹齢何百年というツタに覆われた美しい建物でした。が、ルームメイトとシェアしていた部屋は10平米しかなく、二段ベッドと2つの机が置かれ、クロゼットは非常に小さなものがひとつあるだけでした。ちなみにトイレは部屋の外でした。クロゼットの幅はたった1mで、縦は中央にハンガーを掛ける棒が1本、その奥にもう1本の棒が付いていました。私は新入生、ルームメイトは3年生だったので、私は奥側の棒を使わなければなりませんでした。 限られたスペース以上にシンプルなワードローブを強いるものはありません。この経験は、後に日本へ初めて移り住み、限られた収納スペースで過ごさなければならなくなったとき、大変役立つことになりました。

I had to make some beer money while at school, so I found a job working in an old classic menswear shop where my dad had bought his first tuxedo when he was a student there. Dad wore that tuxedo when he escorted my mom to a formal dance at Mom’s sorority while they were both students in Madison. I loved working in that shop. They gave me a clothing allowance, so I saved up those allowances until I could buy one of the Oxxford Clothes suits that the store carried. Some of my other treasures from working there included my first pair of Alden cordovan penny loafers, a Baracuda G9 and an Alan Paine cricket sweater. That store was preppy paradise and it was the experience of working there that made me decide to major in Retail and Wholesale Management with course work in design and fashion merchandising.

大学時代に小遣い稼ぎをするため、昔ながらのクラシック・メンズウェアショップで働き始めました。そこは父が学生時代に始めてタキシードを購入した店でもありました。両親がまだ学生だったとき、父はそのタキシードを着て、母を社交会でエスコートしたのだそうです。私はそのショップで働くことが大好きでした。衣装手当てが出る店だったので、その店で売っているオックスフォード・クローズのスーツを買えるまで手当てを貯めていました。 ほかにも、そこで手に入れたオールデンのペニーローファー、バラクータG9、アランペインのクリケットセーターなどは宝物でした。その店はプレッピー天国といえるもので、そこで働いたことで、大学で小売・卸売経営を専攻しようと決心しました。授業ではデザインやバイイングの実習も経験しました。

My personal style became increasingly preppy during university, but somehow I still had a wild streak in me. I had always loved motorcycles, ever since my dad helped me buy my first bike when I was eight. In the summer between my sophomore and junior years, I bought a CB 750 and drove across the American West on Route 66. Again, having to keep it simple, I only took one pair of 501s, motorcycle boots, two t-shirts and my old Belstaff TT. I still have that old Belstaff jacket. When you spend so much time wearing a jacket like that it becomes part of who you are.


Aside from the few upgrades from the store I worked at, my style didn’t change. I was too busy studying, attending football games, drinking beer and chasing girls to keep up appearances. I wore my clothes until they were threadbare, patching and repairing them as needed. This only added character and authenticity to what I was wearing and made me love my clothes that much more.


It was while I was at university that I made the decision that I would never wear socks again unless I really had to. I was at a friend’s house party, sitting in a big chair with my feet up on a foot stool. Wisconsin, a northern Midwestern state, has long and cold winters. I had taken off my winter boots at the door and was wearing heavy wool socks. I remember looking down at my socks and deciding that I was very tired of always wearing bags on my feet for nine months of the year. I took those socks off right then and there and have had an aversion to socks ever since.

ところで実は大学生時代、本当に必要なとき以外、もう決して靴下を穿かないと決心していた時期がありました。 そのとき私は、友達のホームパーティで、オットマンに足を乗せて大きな椅子に座っていました。中西部の北寄りに位置するウィスコンシン州の冬は長く、厳しいものです。玄関でウインターブーツを脱いでも、その下には分厚いウールの靴下を履いていました。オットマンの上の足を眺めたとき、1年のうち9ヶ月も両足に袋を被せ続けていることにほとほと嫌気が差しているのだと分かりました。私はその場ですぐ靴下を脱ぎ、それからというもの靴下に嫌悪感を抱くようになったのです。

After graduating from the University of Wisconsin, I took a job as a store manager and buyer for a company called Lands’ End which had started as a yachting supplier on the Chicago River and had grown into the largest sportswear company in America at the time I worked for them. If you are familiar with Lands’ End you will know that it was one of the stalwarts of traditional American style–blue blazers, tweed jackets, Oxford cloth button downs, Shetland sweaters, khakis and deck shoes, to name of few of their staples. Given that I grew up and lived with that style my entire life, buying and managing that type of store came naturally to me.


 My old Belstaff TT jacket, which I wore for motocross riding in California, and later wore on my trip across Route 66.

My old Belstaff TT jacket, which I wore for motocross riding in California, and later wore on my trip across Route 66.



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