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At age eleven I moved to California with my dad. His only instruction to me was that I could only take one suitcase along, so I really had to keep it simple, sir. It wasn’t difficult, as I was still wearing the same style and wouldn’t need a winter coat. It was in California, and later in Arizona where my dad was then living, where I added Western shirts to my style and began collecting Native American jewelry. San Diego, California was like heaven for a kid in junior high school. I spent all my free time at the beach, skateboarding or riding motocross in the endless canyons. Vans, for skating, and a Belstaff Trailmaster Trophy jacket for motocross were added necessities which I would continue to wear throughout my life.

11歳のとき、父とカリフォルニアへ引っ越しました。父はただ、スーツケースひとつだけを持っていくようにと言ったのみでしたので、私はまさに”Keep It Simple, Sir”を実践する必要があったのです。ただ、それは難しくはありませんでした。私は当時もまだ同じような服装をしていて、かつカリフォルニアでは冬のコートは必要なさそうだったからです。 カリフォルニアと後に引っ越したアリゾナで、私はウエスタンシャツを自分のワードローブに加えるようになり、ネイティブアメリカンジュエリーを買い集めるようになりました。カリフォルニアのサンディエゴは中学生の子供にとっては天国のようでした。フリータイムにはいつも海で過ごし、スケートボードをしたり、無限の峡谷の中でモトクロスをしたりしていました。スケートボード用のヴァンズ、モトクロス用のベルスタッフ「トライアルマスター」が、生涯の必需品に加わりました。

The preppy style was simple. I never thought about it. I just put on what I was familiar with and went off to school. It was my uncle–my mom’s brother–who first got me thinking about tailoring when I was in high school and had moved back to Wisconsin. My mom’s family members, being of English descent, were well dressed, very well spoken and very polite. Later in life, when I moved to Japan, I would reflect on how the Japanese were similar to the English in this respect, as well as being from island nations, having royal families and drinking tea.


My uncle was an especially sharp dresser. One Easter Sunday when we were all sitting in Nana’s living room before going to the Janesville Country Club for brunch, my uncle began fussing with his shirt sleeves. He insisted that the sleeves were ? inch too short and uttered some uncomplimentary words about his tailor. He became so obsessed by the length of his shirt sleeves that he declared that he must go home to change his shirt before he could go out for a holiday meal. I went with him and while he was putting on another shirt he told me, “there are only two colors for gentleman’s shirts–white and blue–and always show a ? inch of shirt cuff under your suit jackets.” Simple advice which I never forgot.

私のおじはとりわけお洒落でした。あるイースターの土曜日、ジェーンズビル・カントリークラブ(ウィスコンシンの老舗ゴルフ場。立派なダイニングを有していて、食事ができるようになっている)へブランチに出かけようと、祖母のリビングに集まっていたときのこと。おじがシャツの袖のことで大騒ぎし始めたのです。彼はシャツの袖が1/4インチ(約6ミリ)短いと主張し、シャツテーラーをけなすようなことを言ったのです。彼はシャツ袖の長さが気になってほかのことが目に入らなくなり、遂には一度家に帰ってシャツを替えなければ食事に出かけられないと言い出しました。私はおじに付いて出ていったのですが、シャツを着替えながら彼はこう話してくれたのです。「紳士のシャツの色は2つしかない——ホワイトとブルーだ。そして、カフスはスーツの袖から常に1/2インチ覗かせていなければならないんだよ」 決して忘れることのない、基本の”き”です。

 My old Belstaff TT jacket, which I wore for motocross riding in California, and later wore on my trip across Route 66.

My old Belstaff TT jacket, which I wore for motocross riding in California, and later wore on my trip across Route 66.



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