Mr.Davidが英語で綴る新連載「Mr.David’s Diary」、今回は「ピッティ・イマージネ・ウォモ」のお気に入り20選!
MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David’s Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます。今回は、2019年1月にイタリアのフィレンツェにて開催された「Pitti Immagine Uomo」で見てきた数々の新作から、デビッド的お気に入り20選をセレクトしました。

With over 1,230 exhibitors at the latest edition of PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO it was admittedly difficult to see everything on offer in four days, so I focused on researching the contemporary classics. During the course of the event, one common question that often came up while talking with colleagues was, “Have you seen anything new?” PITTI UOMO is, of course, a classic menswear trade show, but there are always new trends in fabrics, cuts and colors, as well as timeless standards. Following is a list of my top 20 picks from what I was able to see during the four days I spent at PITTI UOMO 95.