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room with a view, from the Bigi living room.

I woke up this morning to the sound of Vivaldi’s Summer drifting out of the living room. I poked my head out of the guest room door and found Stefano in the cobra pose, overlooking Lake Maggiore, and Monte Rosa living up to its name, glowing pink in the early morning light. The only sound I hear now, though, is the roar of the engine straddled between my legs and the occasional squeal of rubber on pavement.



While Stefano did yoga, I took the time to snoop around the house. There was a table filled with old black and white photos of Stefano and his sisters as kids growing up on this lake. There was one of his dad, the quintessentially dashing and handsome Italian gentleman. The bookshelves contained classics like Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera, and of course Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, books all dear to my heart. There was Japanese art displayed throughout the house, alongside precious art created by Stefano’s and his wife, Yuki’s, daughters, Bianca and Caterina. Here was a family home, warm and full of love.




Remember your lovely family, Stefano! Slow down! Not a chance of that happening as Stefano downshifts into a particularly ominous looking corkscrew turn. As I recall a few regrets in my life, the back wheel slides out and spits gravel over the precipice. The old adage shared by bikers, “Stay out of loose gravel,” pops into my mind and I repeat it like a mantra, over and over until at last we arrive in the old town of Laveno, with its narrow cobblestone streets and its ancient sun-bleached terra cotta colors.


素晴らしい家族のことを思い出せ、ステファノ!スピードを落とせ!そんなことが起きるわけもなく、ステファノは、シフトダウンし、不吉な予感がする螺旋状のカーブに入っていく。人生で後悔したことをいくつか思い出していると、後ろの車輪が滑り、砂利が絶壁の上に吐き出された。バイカーたちが昔からよく言う格言「目の粗い砂利を避けろ」を突然思い出し、呪文のように繰り返し唱える。何度も何度も、 狭い石畳といにしえの太陽に焼かれたテラコッタ色の古い町、ラヴェーノにやっと到着するまで。

We pull up to Bar Vela and get off the bike. I want to kiss the ground, but as everyone eventually learns in life, it’s best not to show fear. I look at the Euro-size burn on my ankle and grimace. Every scar tells a story and this one will be a good one to remember.



Paola, the owner of Vela, shows us to the VIP table as King Bigi grabs the sailing report from the magazine rack. Paola takes our order and I notice her blue eyes and blond hair, reminding me that this area, Lombardia, was annexed by Napoleon for France, while Piemonte on the western shore of the lake was occupied by the Austrian Hapsburgs.


After a quick cappuccino and brioche we’re off to the marina where Stefano’s pride and joy, a custom made boat crafted by Cantiere Montisola, named Adele after his grandmother, awaits us for a day on the lake. Lake Maggiore is literally a crossroads. The border of Piemonte, to the west, and Lombardia, to the east, runs right down the middle of the lake. The border of Switzerland, to the north, and Italy, to the south, runs across the lake about three quarters of the way up.



Out on the water, Stefano stops at various places to say hello to friends. To describe Lake Maggiore as posh is an understatement. These are not lake houses as I know them. These are villas and in some cases, palaces, where the royal families of Europe have lived for centuries. I’m an interloper, but I’m greeted like an old friend in the warmest way that only lake people can exude.


Stefano on the Boat.
the boat which Stefano made in his childhood.

the boat which Stefano made in his childhood.

lovely drawing by Stefano's daughter.

lovely drawing by Stefano's daughter.

beautiful family pictures.

beautiful family pictures.

beautiful letters and  drawings.

beautiful letters and drawings.

Breakfast at Bar Vela

Breakfast at Bar Vela

Heading to Isola Pescatori for lunch at Verbano.

Heading to Isola Pescatori for lunch at Verbano.

Waxing lyrically at a lakeside table at Verbano, on Isola dei Pescatori.

Waxing lyrically at a lakeside table at Verbano, on Isola dei Pescatori.

Afternoon jam session with Bob Marley.

Afternoon jam session with Bob Marley.

Linguini at Cucina Bigi,on the other day.

Linguini at Cucina Bigi,on the other day.

Beautiful cravatta of Stefano Bigi for 2019SS at Pitti Stand.

Beautiful cravatta of Stefano Bigi for 2019SS at Pitti Stand.

this year, 80years  annivesary  for Bigi cravatta.

this year, 80years annivesary for Bigi cravatta.

history of 80 years.

history of 80 years.

with Stefano and  MEN'S  EX editors at Pitti Stand.

with Stefano and MEN'S EX editors at Pitti Stand.

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