「ブライスランズ」で、スペシャルなジャケットを作ってみた【Mr. David Diary#17】


Making a special jacket at Bryceland’s

MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David’s Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます。今回は、デビッドの大好きなお店「Bryceland’s」でアスコット・チャンにオーダーしたシャツジャケットのお話。

Approaching Bryceland’s, perched on a hillside in the tony neighborhood of Jingumae, I spot shop owner and creative director Ethan Newton leaning on the front rail of his porch smoking a hand rolled cigarette. He looks like the captain of his sartorial ship guiding it through the perilous waters of the Shibuya fashion scene.


@Hidemitsu Oeda
Captain Newton on the bridge of the good ship Bryceland’s

“What’s good?” comes the salutation, accompanied by a sincere gaze and a firm handshake. “Can I get you a coffee or something stronger?” It’s not every day that one is offered spirits at a menswear shop so I opt for the latter.

“Coffee and a whiskey!” barks the old salt to his capable first mate, the rakish store manager Ryutaro Yamada, affectionately known by his moniker, Slim.


@Ethan Newton
First Mate and Store Manager Ryutaro Yamada a.k.a Slim
一等航海士でありストアマネージャーのRyutaro Yamada(愛称スリム)

Whiskey in hand, I step through the threshold and feel as though I’m stepping back in time. Handsomely appointed in antique furnishings with a spattering of personal items, I get the sense that the space serves not only as a menswear shop, but as a music and design studio as well as, perhaps, Ethan’s living room. Regulars gather around the glass case at the front of the shop or sit along the large armoire, exchanging stories or discussing politics and current events. Ethan is just as likely to start talking about his passion for movies or music, even playing one of the latest songs he’s written on the acoustic guitar he keeps close at hand.


@Ethan Newton
The handsomely appointed interior of Bryceland’s
@Ethan Newton
Ethan sharing an original song in front of the armoire – a favorite gathering place for regulars.

Ethan’s real passion, though, is menswear. After studying fashion design and illustration he embarked on a career that would take him from Sydney’s Paddington to Tokyo’s Daikanyama, working with Evisu in the early 2000s. Moving back to Australia, he went to work for a shirt brand called Herringbone, opening a bespoke store and training to fit and make bespoke shirts, eventually working in design. After six years he left to work alongside the tailor, Patrick Johnson, who was then opening his Sydney boutique.


In 2010, Ethan moved to Hong Kong to help Mark Cho and Alan See start the Armoury, eventually becoming a partner. After meeting Ralph Lauren’s older brother, Jerry Lauren, Ethan took a role with Ralph Lauren as Senior Director of Luxury brands. A short year later and Ethan was ready to open his own store in Tokyo with his partner, Kenji Cheung.


@Ethan Newton
Interior of Bryceland’s Tokyo
@Janet Wong
Owner and creative collaborator Kenji Cheung at the Hong Kong branch of Bryceland’s

Bryceland’s is named after Ethan’s mother’s maiden name. Catraoine Ni Breaslain, born in Ireland, fled to Glasgow, Scotland to avoid the potato famine. In 1862 she was transported to Australia. Family names also extend to the ladies line, called Emmeline, after Ethan’s niece, designed by the talented Janet Wong.


@Ethan Newton
The talented designer Janet Wong

Bryceland’s is essentially an outlet for Ethan and Kenji to create what they want themselves and to sell their shared vision of how men should dress. The goal is to sell quality clothing, working with respected partners to present a range of clothing for men who want to dress elegantly and without branding or hype impacting how a man wears his clothes.


The desire to bring masculinity to menswear is expressed in the casual line with American workwear and vintage military inspired clothes made in rugged, no nonsense fabrics like Japanese denim that only gets better with age. U.S. Navy chambray shirts, RAF rollneck sweaters, type 1 denim jackets and the iconic 133 denims are just a few of the items that typify the look.

カジュアルラインには、より男らしいテイストが見られます。経年変化で味が出る日本製デニムのような、荒削りで本気の生地のみを使ったアメリカンワークウェアや、ビンテージミリタリーにインスパイアされたラインで、例えば、アメリカ海軍のシャンブレーシャツや、イギリス空軍のロールネックセーター、Type 1のデニムジャケット、アイコニックな133デニムなどがあります。

@Ethan Newton
Ethan in the sawtooth denim shirt.

The rugged masculinity of the casual line is complimented by the elegance of the tailored attire. Made-to-measure suits and jackets are cut fuller in the chest and longer in length, reflecting Ethan’s love of old school Italian tailoring from the 40s and 50s. Ethan explains that, “elegance is everything, and for clothes to be elegant they need to have drape.” To this end, Ethan works closely with Naples based tailor Gigi Dalcuore who has proven time and again to be adept at interpreting Ethan’s vision of style and cut.

カジュアルラインの無骨な男性らしさに対して、テーラードの服はエレガンスが特徴です。メイド トゥ メジャーのスーツやジャケットは、イーサンの愛する1940〜50年代のイタリアンテーラリングのスタイルを反映して、胸部はゆったりとカットされ、全体的な長さも長めに作られています。「エレガンスが全て。服がエレガントであるためには、ドレープが必要」と語るイーサンが頼りにしているのが、ナポリ在住のテーラー、ジジ・ダルクオーレです。ジジは、これまでイーサンのスタイルやカットに対するビジョンを、的確に解釈し表現してきました。

Elegance is everything

Another tailor Ethan works closely with is the Hong Kong based Ascot Chang who makes Bryceland’s made-to-measure oxford cloth shirts and their famous safari jackets. It is for the safari jacket that I have come to Bryceland’s today.

イーサンが頼りにするもう一人のテーラーが、香港在住のアスコット・チャンです。ブライスランズのメイド トゥ メジャーのオックスフォード地のシャツや、人気のサファリジャケットなどを手がけています。この日私がブライスランズに来たのは、このサファリジャケットをオーダーするためでした。

While selecting the fabric for this commission a few weeks back, I was struck by the beauty and back story of Vitale Barberis Canonico’s red eri silk recently offered in its sustainable H.O.P.E. fabric range, HOPE being the acronym for How to Optimize People and Environment. Red eri silk is a unique, sustainable and cruelty-free fiber as it is harvested only after the moth leaves the cocoon. The silk is obtained from cocoons where the silkworm feeds on the leaves of the ficus citrifolia which produces the characteristic natural reddish-orange color.

数週間前、生地を選んでいた際に私は、ヴィターレ・バルベリス・カノニコ社のサステイナブルなファブリックのコレクションとして最近発表された「H.O.P.E」レンジにあるレッドエリシルクの美しさとその誕生のストーリーに心を打たれました。「How to Optimize People and Environment(人と環境を最適化する方法)」の頭文字をとって「H.O.P.E」と名付けられたこのコレクションは、サステイナブルで、クルエルティフリー(無殺生)の環境に優しいテキスタイルです。このレッドエリシルクは蚕が繭を出てから採取されます。この蚕が餌とするフィカス・シトリフォリアが自然の赤みがかったオレンジ色というキャラクターをこのシルクに与えています。

The eri silk is woven with undyed wool and alpaca, resulting in a 360 gram fabric that has to be seen and felt to believe.


Ascot Chang for Bryceland’s safari jacket in VBC’s red eri silk
@Mr. David
Sustainable and cruelty free fabric from VBC’s H.O.P.E.range

As I don the perfectly tailored safari jacket made up in VBC’s luxurious eri silk fabric, I stand a little taller, thank the good crew at Bryceland’s and head out to explore the wilds of Tokyo.


From humble Irish ancestry to being the arbiter of masculine elegance, Ethan has proven to be master of his fate, captain of his soul and has sailed the Bryceland’s ship to glory.


Visit Bryceland’s online shop@brycelandsco.com


関連記事一覧: Mr.David Diary




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