Mr.Davidが英語で綴るファッション連載「Mr.David’s Diary」、今回はオランダのシャツメーカー「ハンドレッドハンズ」に注目!
MEN’S EX誌上やイベントでも長年お馴染みのお洒落モデル、Mr.Davidが、自身のスタイルの成り立ちとポイントを語る「Mr. David’s Diary」。デビッド自らのスタイル哲学、「Keep it Simple,sir」(シンプルに徹しましょう)略して「KISS」の真髄を掘り起こしていきます。今回は、2019年1月にイタリアのフィレンツェでオーダーしたオランダのシャツメーカー「100hands」(ハンドレッドハンズ)について語ります。

The postman always rings twice, and thank goodness he does. Even though my five dogs joined in a chorus of barking at the sound of the first ring, I wasn’t sure what they were going on about until I heard the second ring. What a joy to buzz the mailman through the front doors and receive a package containing my first bespoke Gold Line shirt from the Dutch company, 100Hands.
With its headquarters in Amsterdam and its atelier in Amritsar, India, 100Hands makes one of the finest handmade shirts available in the world today. The fabrics are all handwoven on vintage looms and fair trade certified. The Gold Line shirt is crafted over 2 1/2 days where 100 hands of skilled artisans use the most traditional methods to invisibly hand sew the body of the shirt with 25 stitches per inch. Limited numbers of pieces are produced each year in order to maintain quality and individual personality.

There are two levels of shirts that customers can order, the Black Line and the Gold Line. Both levels include extensive hand cutting and sewing with the Gold Line adding hand sewing to the bottom hem, side seams, sleeve plackets and button holes. Each button hole on the Gold Line shirt is hand stitched with over 100 stitches per inch, taking more than 30 minutes per button hole to sew. Each sleeve is thoughtfully attached by hand, at first, in order to gather fullness in the sleeve head, thereby making it more comfortable before an additional machine stitch is overlaid for strength.